
Open-Source EDA Birds-of-a-Feather Meeting at DAC

July 12, 2022 7:00pm-10:00pm, Moscone West Room 3000

This “Open-Source EDA and Benchmarking Summit” Birds-of-a-Feather meeting is the third in a series that began with the DAC 2018 and 2019 Open-Source Academic EDA Software Birds-of-a-Feather meetings, and that has a number of participants who also attend the WOSET workshop. This year, the topic of benchmarking is being added to the discussion. This session serves as an informal meeting point for anyone who would like to hear or share ideas or latest news on (1) the ecosystem of open-source EDA tools, and/or (2) the use of relevant and principled benchmarking methodologies to clarify and advance the leading edge of EDA research. Goals for the community, along with current landscape, key updates, and potential next steps / actions for the worldwide academic/CAD community are all topics for discussion. Potential contributors, developers, advisors, users … Everyone is WELCOME !!! (Please send email to with any questions.)

AGENDA (tentative)

Welcome and Introduction 7:00pm

Open-Source EDA 7:10pm

Benchmarks and Data ~8:10pm

New Research Foundations ~8:50pm

A Prediction Exercise: What Will Be New/Improved by Next Year? ~9:30pm

Adjourn, Continue Discussions over Beverages ~9:45pm


There is no registration fee. However, please fill in this Google Form to indicate your interests and whether you would like to share something with other attendees.


This year’s session is being organized by Andrew Kahng ( and Tom Spyrou (

Previous Open-Source EDA Birds-of-a-Feather meetings

Background for Today’s Meeting

Initial Survey Responses (48)

What would you most like to see discussed at the meeting?
